Lumber News from Around Franklin County

Fun Workshop Notices Hanging Out on FPA’s Countertop

1) Timber Framing Workshop May 23-26 80 Bassett Rd Shelburne MA. This is a hands-on 4 day course with Jeremy Topitzer of Lyonsville Carpentry. $600. FMI contact

Any visitor to the checkout counter at Forest Products Associates knows there are always interesting handouts gracing the antique Chestnut countertop. Here are several we want to share with you as part of our mission statement to pass out fun information.

1) Timber Framing Workshop May 23-26 80 Bassett Rd Shelburne, MA. Put on by Fabric of Life, Inc this is a hands-on 4 day course with Jeremy Topitzer of Lyonsville Carpentry. $600. FMI contact

2) Hand build your own custom guitar, mandolin, or ukulele with luthier Nick Lenski of Berkshire Stringed Instruments. FMI contact or call (413) 663-0870. 2 week classes.

3) Plaster and Plastering in Early New England. Sat July 13, 2019 in Deerfield, MA. Put on by Historic Deerfield. FMI contact Julie Orvis (413) 775-7179 or $85/$95

OK. This last one has little to do with lumber and none of them really have anything to do with Forest Products. But they do look interesting! Building a guitar would be great fun and we have lots of fabulous wood you could use. So get out there, do something fun, and don't forget to stop by Forest Products Associates for great lumber and boatloads of inspiration.

For more information on this or anything else call us at 413-772-6833, visit our warehouse at 75 Oak Hill Road, Greenfield, MA 01301, or visit our website

Posted: to General Blog on Wed, May 22, 2019
Updated: Wed, May 22, 2019